
Download Abilities Builder Language Plus for windows

Download demo,.00 version of Abilities Builder Language Plus

On this page you are able to download Abilities Builder Language Plus program of windows section of languages category, as well as familiarize with its brief description, operating system type, kind of license and a program popularity rating. Here is also the information about previous user views and a program product downloads amount. In order to download Abilities Builder Language Plus you have to enter the confirmation code in the appropriate form and click on the "Download Abilities Builder Language Plus" link. The download will begin in a few second in case of correct code input.

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Abilities Builder Language Plus, Demo,$59.00
File info:
File size: 3 MB
OS: Win95/Win98/Windows CE/Windows2000/WinME/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
License: Demo,$59.00
Rating: 3
Views/Downloads: 318/17

Improve basic academic English skills in reading, spelling and written expression using any subject materials. Enables you to easily program a PC with lesson materials. Multimedia program using Peedy the parrot generates on-screen exercises, worksheets and matching tests that promote the retention of these materials, simultaneously producing improvement in spelling, reading and written expression. Suitable for all grade and ability levels. Especially effective for the learning disabilities and remediation. Addresses spelling, sentence writing, paragraph writing, punctuation, and capitalization skills. Uses the "cloze" procedure. Write and organize and save the subject units you develop. Over important 1500 words, sentences and matching test items accompany the program.


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