
Download VISUAL BASIC .NET GAMES for windows

Download demo version of VISUAL BASIC .NET GAMES

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File info:
File size: 136 KB
OS: Windows2000/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
License: Demo
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 328/24

VISUAL BASIC .NET GAMES contains versions of some of the popular 'text-only' BASIC language programs from the early 1980's. These are simple programs, no fancy graphics and no sound. But, the games are fun and invoke a nostalgic feeling in many older programmers. This download is the complete source code for VISUAL BASIC .NET GAMES. Study and modify it as you desire for programming practice. To gain the programming skills needed to understand this code, take a look at our BEGINNING VISUAL BASIC .NET and VISUAL BASIC .NET FOR KIDS tutorials. There are six games in VISUAL BASIC .NET GAMES. ACEY-DEUCEY is a fun card game. EVEN WINS is one of those 'remove the markers' games. MUGWUMP asks you to find the hidden monsters in a grid. LUNAR LANDER lets you land safely on the moon. FROWN is a fun dice game you play against the computer. And, JOT is an addictive word guessing game. Have fun with these.
VISUAL BASIC .NET GAMES will run under Windows 2000, NT or XP. You also need Visual Basic .NET (either the stand-alone product or the product that ships with Visual Studio .NET). To use the code, download the zip file and extract the files to a desired directory. Then, open the files in Visual Basic .NET.


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