
Download WaterColorFrameSimulator for windows

Download freeware version of WaterColorFrameSimulator

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WaterColorFrameSimulator, Freeware
File info:
File size: 3 MB
License: Freeware
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 217/5

WaterColorFrameSimulator attaches a watercolor frame around your picture that you draw and take with digital camera. The frame has mattes and frame. You can add texture to the matte that feels like rough paper or cloth. and you can change the thickness of mattes. You can save your picture together with the frame you made. WaterColorFrameSimulator has 5 menus, "Files", "Sizes", "Colors", "Preview", and "Help". Some of the Menus have sub-menus. For importing your picture there are two ways. One is to use menu named as "Files", and another is drag and drop your picture file from the folder. If you click the menu named as "Sizes", then the dialog named as "Adjusting Sizes" will appear.
This dialog has 6 side-bars to adjust the sizes. One is usually hidden so the 5 slide-bar can be seen. The slide-bar at the most outside in this dialog is to adjust the width of the frame beams. If you slide the handle of the slide-bar to the right, then the width of the member beams of the frame become wider. If you slide to the left, the beams become slim. You would adjust the width of the beams of the frame sliding the handle left and right.
If you press the button at the bottom named as ???Frames Catalogue", the new dialog named as "Catalogue", will appear. This dialog has selectable pieces of frames, and a button named as "Abort" to cancel the selection.
To adjust colors of the mattes and the frame you might click the menu named as "Colors". If you click menu "Colors", 4 groups of sub-menus will appear. There are menus for frame, matt1, Matt2 and the menus to get colors.
If you click the menu named as "Preview", then the window named as "Preview" will appear. If you click the menu named as "Save As", then the file-dialog to save the frame. You can save your picture with frame and matte as a image file of jpeg format.


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