
Download Power Blaster for windows

Download demo version of Power Blaster

On this page you are able to download Power Blaster program of windows section of personal interest category, as well as familiarize with its brief description, operating system type, kind of license and a program popularity rating. Here is also the information about previous user views and a program product downloads amount. In order to download Power Blaster you have to enter the confirmation code in the appropriate form and click on the "Download Power Blaster" link. The download will begin in a few second in case of correct code input.

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Power Blaster, Demo
File info:
File size: 994 KB
OS: Windows2000/WinXP
License: Demo
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 430/43

You've come to the right place! We have developed and optimized a software that will send your popups directly to the computer screen of the people you wanted to see your advertising. Instantly!

We have invented a proprietary Patent-Pending technology that delivers direct-broadcasting throughput and performance (up to 15,000 popups per minute on a broadband connection) unmatched by any competiting products on the market. We are so confident with our technology that we will double your money back if you can find a competiting product that even come close to our performance. Ask our competitors if they can offer you such guarantee.
No more waiting, no more email filters to fight, relays and proxies to find. Just compose your message and you are ready to start your campaign.
85% of all consumer computers are able to display the popups you are sending to them with this software. This software is better than bulk email. Why? Here are the reasons:
There are no email lists to worry about. Bulk email is regulated by different laws in different states, instant popups are not. Bulk email is sent to an email address which sometimes is not even checked. popups delivered by this program are delivered straight to the screen of your client. Responses to emails come in days later sometimes, when people read their emails. Responses to PowerBlaster popups are as instant as the popups. Message arrives, people go check out your website. These popups are completely anonymous and virtually untraceable. Bulk email will cause you trouble with your ISP if you are not using special software to hide your IP address. With this program your IP address never shows up anywhere. Response rate is a lot higher, which means more business to you. Delivery rates are instantly presented to you. You can see how many popups were delivered and actually seen by people.


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