
Download Dr. DivX OSS for windows

Download freeware version of Dr. DivX OSS

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Dr. DivX OSS, Freeware
File info:
File size: 3 MB
OS: Windows2000/WinXP
License: Freeware
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 769/49

This download contains Dr. DivX, a powerful open-source program for converting nearly any video file to DivX, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DV, AVI and MOV files. Melding power with simplicity, Dr. DivX is easy to use while retaining extensive encoding options and controls for advanced users. Just set your desired file size or video quality, and Dr. Divx does the rest. Dr. Divx even lets you publish your new DivX videos straight to Stage6, an online video community designed specifically for high quality DivX video. DivX videos created with Dr. DivX are also compatible with DivX certified hardware players like DVD players and portable video devices so you can watch your DivX videos on your TV or on the go. Other advanced features include support for multiple audio tracks, the ability to convert DVD subtitle tracks to DivX XSUB subtitle tracks, and the ability to add video plug-ins to video files after a successful encoding. With advanced features and extensive user-controlled settings, Dr. DivX gives your digital videos the flexbility they deserve.


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