
Download BatBar for windows

Download freeware version of BatBar

On this page you are able to download BatBar program of windows section of office category, as well as familiarize with its brief description, operating system type, kind of license and a program popularity rating. Here is also the information about previous user views and a program product downloads amount. In order to download BatBar you have to enter the confirmation code in the appropriate form and click on the "Download BatBar" link. The download will begin in a few second in case of correct code input.

If you are not convenient with the version or license type you are able to choose similar program products making use of links represented below or going back to windows section.

BatBar, Freeware
File info:
File size: 442 KB
OS: Win98/Windows2000/WinXP
License: Freeware
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 572/19

Save, synchronize and share favorites between computers, friends and family.
You may be asking yourself - why would I need something like - BatBar- I already have my favorites in my internet browser, and it is working just fine.
There are many situations where BatBar.spiderwebfx.com can help you. Here are just a few examples:
Favorites on a new computer: You buy a new computer or hard disc - or just re-install your Operating System. All your favorites are now lost! Of course your could have made a backup or saved your favorites on your old computer/hard disc before you changed to the new one - but most people forget to do it. You don't miss your favorites until they are gone! If you use BatBar for your favorites - you only have to reinstall the BatBar software and log in and you will not loose any of your favorites each time you get a new computer.
Favorites on more than one computer: Many homes have more than one computer today, or you may be working with computers at work or at school. It is nearly impossible to keep 2, 3 or 4 sets of favorites updated and synchronized between all of these computers. BatBar can keep these favorites synchronized and give you access to your favorites anywhere you can get an internet connection.
Sharing favorites with friends and family: I regularly exchange web links with family and friends, but often I have trouble remembering that long website address I just added to my favorites a week ago. Using BatBar to store my favorite links - I only have to remember one link: BatBar.SpiderWebFX.com.


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