
Download ABC Typing game 4 for windows

Download freeware version of ABC Typing game 4

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ABC Typing game 4, Freeware
File info:
File size: 10 KB
OS: MAC 68k/Mac OS X/Mac Other/Mac PPC/Win 3.1x/Win95/Win98/Windows2000/Windows2003/WinME/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
License: Freeware
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 1855/463

Put your fingers on the yellow-colored keys: A S D F for the left hand, and J K L ; for the right hand. This is the position, in which speed typing is done, and from this position we reach for all other keys. In the first lesson, we practice speed typing the letters J and F, and continue to speed type all other letters. For the most part, practicing will be with words having a meaning. But at first, to get used to speed-typing, we will practice the lessons with random text. Use the lessons only for the beginning to gradually get used to speed-typing. Please understand that the real practice is with meaningful words and that you don't learn a lot from practicing random text. To practice real words, copy a text from anywhere (sites, word processor, etc.) and paste your text inside the text box by clicking the right mouse button and selecting "paste".


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