
Download MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics for windows

Download freeware version of MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics

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MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics, Freeware
File info:
File size: 4 MB
OS: Windows2000/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
License: Freeware
Rating: 0
Views/Downloads: 480/0

MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic makes it possible to view statistics on network usage and has it's focus on payment relevent information. It reads the user's IP packages and allows to see the amount of bandwidth consumed as an icon in the system tray. So a user, who pays a volume based fee or who has a tariff with a bandwidth limit is always aware, how much traffic is already used in a bill period. Traffic statistics reporting allows to analyze and identify what the traffic was used for.
The user is able to see which hosts, services or ports were the top traffic consumers. MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic works on IP packet level, therefore the user gets reports on all the traffic, regardless wether this traffic was made by a browser, a filesharing software or a secure connection. It contains an editor for specification of local addresses and ports to be captured or not captured. This allows professionals to capture traffic to a proxy or VPN but exclude the rest of local traffic.
MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic can be useful for many diffrent people: - broadband (like DSL or cable) users with a volume metered (bandwidth limited) charge plan have always an eye on the currently accumulated consumed traffic. - internet users with a flatrate can see whether a cheaper metered charge plan might be appropriate for their consumption habbits - internet users are able to see, which services cause the most traffic - internet users are able to see, how much traffic was consumed with their top target hosts - operators of dedicated servers in a bandwidth metered charge plan get up-to-date statistics - network operators can see bandwidth consumption cut by host and service of all machines in the local net
MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic contains an IP detail record (IPDR) generator developed on basis of WinPCap and ACE. MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic has be installed with administrator privilegues.


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